Contributor Covenant

This was, by far, the worst document in the history of code of conduct! IMHO. Read my post on techrights:

I have written many articles and posts about this Code of CONduct. In fact, there are many in our community (our as in free and open source) who will NEVER contribute to a project using this document. I tried to warn many about this and it has fallen on deaf ears. If you are still using this for your project. Stop. This is NOT a template developers respect and likely you are limiting your contribution pool by using this.

There were several bad players pushing enforcement of this code of conduct, even at Debian. This is the same group who:

  • Seem embittered because they cannot code and are surrounded by successful devs
  • Wanted the spotlight for money and popularity
  • blacklisted OGs from conferences by volunteering as call for papers reviewers
  • as volunteers for call for papers, selected topics and place themselves, yes, themselves as speakers for conferences they reviewed papers for.
  • Volunteered for multiple conferences ensuring placement in each including and not limited to: SCALE, SeaGULL, Libreplanet
  • Tried to cancel ESR after Perens left the OSI
  • Tried to cancel Stallman
  • Manipulated a seat as interim director of the OSI
  • Manipulated a seat as Director of Python Foundation based on “experience” at OSI
  • Lied about working with the Linux Foundation – it was obvious. Never? I was at the conference on the DL in San Diego where you held up a small robot. Tell me… how many servos? Can you give me a BOM. I did not think so.
  • Created a secondary github account to hang stallman and backtracked and lied about it
  • Blacklisted volunteers from Debian’s diversity group.. including a female minority – yea me.
  • Made the initial effort to give non developers an opportunity to be in our keychain… and I am sorry, I regret thinking they were not a threat.
  • Accused innocent men of sexual harassment. One… was openly gay… then backtracked.

The other thing I would like to mention if you have not already heard. Watch your drink. It’s been happening at Defcon parties, at Libreplanet I witnessed one victim myself after he was released from the hospital. In several cases, the same cocktail blend was found in 2 hackers/developers during an autopsy. I have seen both reports. Out of respect for the families, I stop here. However, you can review Barnaby Jack and Ian Murdock’s reports online. You tell me… maybe I’m wrong.

In the end, what I learned about free and open source is bad players can and have volunteered. Oh, at least in corporate they are obviously not doing any favors. The great efforts we made at the open of open source as women lawyers and devs paved the way for these people with bad intentions.

We NEED to stop the non developers like this from having a voice in our community. We need to banish them from our projects, our code and our community. There are good players. We need contributors but not… in our code sphere.

I enjoy working with creative types. I’ll never admit to loving to work with lawyers, but I do so enjoy working with them as well. And breaking down policies and even having conversations about law. Well, I should have gone to law school. It just seemed so impossible to me at the time, financially.

Actually, I went to Harvard for 2 courses: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace and Violence against women. I was informed about it by my Systers group and a former professor. So, I applied and at the time was working on DeCSS with DVD-Discuss. I made lifelong friends and mentors and my life was an adventure.

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